Creating a Next, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript and Solana Wallet Template

Chad, Solana

Git repository:

Demo Page:

I have a few project ideas that I would like to build. They will all use the same tech stack in the front end. I might aswell build this and have some okay styling to go with it. So I can quickly be up and runing with the next project.


Chose Next and for this project npx create-next-app --example with-typescript with-typescript-app.

I used Next docs for TS to initialise the project. I chose Next as it worked reliably for me before, and I am pretty experienced with it, so it should be pretty smooth ride 🤞.

Adding Tailwind

I feel naked without some styling, and without a designer and a design template, I prefer to utilise Tailwinds premade styling guide.

I used Tailwind site to set this up.

Aththe end I had to create a file called _app.tsx inside the pages folder, and add the following code to it to work.

import "../styles/globals.css";

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return <Component {...pageProps} />;

Then Tailwind CSS started working. Here is the whole commit that it took me to set this up.

Adding the wallet

Here we are adding the wallet integration to the site.

This section is inspired by the wallet integration I have already done on the NFT section of this website. Its all open source on Github.

NPM install dependencies

Run this long commad to install all the dependencies in one go.

npm i @solana/wallet-adapter-base @solana/wallet-adapter-react @solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui @solana/wallet-adapter-wallets @solana/spl-token

Copy pasta the documentation

I copied the example in the Solana labs wallet adapter page exactly

This worked on the local host but not on built. I got the following error:

Failed to compile.
Type error: Property or signature expected.

Fixing build issues

I have tried to change NPM to Yarn, which didnt work. I installed buffer and @solana/buffer-layout as I seemd to have fixed similar issue like this before. These didnt work either.

I then bumped the version of the typescript installed on the project and it all worked.

Moved the wallet to upper level

I moved the wallet adapter to the _app.tsx so the wallet can be accessesd from anywhere in the app easily, rather than having to squeeze everything in the same component. I did this by copy pasting every thing in the Wallet component in to the '_app.tsx'. I kept the component declarartion and style imports the same as before. I copied the old return statement in to where the below part was.

<WalletMultiButton />
<WalletDisconnectButton />
{ /* Your app's components go here, nested within the context providers. */ }

Now I can the wallet buttons and details, anywhere in the app.

Fetch tokens mint and amount

  1. Made a tokens list cpmponent by basically copy pasting the users folder and index file in it.
  2. Get public key from wallet, when public key exists a function that fetches the tokens get triggered
  3. Using getParsedTokenAccountsByOwner to fetch tokens
  4. Loop through the data we want to diplay and append it in to an object then push it in to array of tokens.
  5. save the tokens array in the react state, and pass this date in to HTML to display it.

Toggle for dev or main net


Fetch tokens logo and name


Display the tokens


Send tokens


Nice to haves ... or good first issues

Git repository: Next, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript and Solana Wallet Git repository

Demo Page:

© Chad.RSS